“You have always been credible and accessible, honest and brave. In your program for young journalists, from more than a dozen of America's top universities, you train them, you teach them, you show them the reality of the Middle East from all angles. In one month, they learn what it would take a professor a year to impart in a classroom. All of this magnificent work costs money, and I sincerely hope that potential donors can appreciate the exceptionally important work that you do, and contribute generously to it.”
Marvin Kalb
Harvard professor emeritus, former network diplomatic correspondent and senior adviser to Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.
Shaping the Future of Middle East Journalism

The Media Line Press and Policy Student Program is an innovative opportunity for students to globalize their educational experience by connecting to an active news bureau located in what is arguably the world’s most contentious region, studying journalism and public policy under the mentorship of veteran journalists, while earning academic credit or pursuing independent study.

Partnering with The Media Line, the American non-profit news agency specializing in coverage of the Middle East, colleges and universities select highly motivated students from each discipline (journalism, public policy, international relations/political science) to work under TML supervision for a semester, writing articles relating to local-global issues of the Middle East. Students’ work product will be posted on themedialine.org and in some cases will earn by-line and placement in a newspaper or on-line portal.

The Media Line is an independent organization that is not aligned with any political position, government or NGO, but is dedicated to providing accurate, contextual news and feature stories from the Middle East in strict adherence to the tenets of classical journalism. Its Board of Professional Advisers includes Marvin Kalb, David Andleman, Murray Fromson, Alex Jones, Lucy Dalglish, Judy Woodruff and Ari Goldman.

We’re honored to announce the Sotloff Scholarship in memory of our journalist, Steven Sotloff, who was brutally murdered at the hands of ISIS terrorists.

We are forever proud of the professional contribution Steven made during his short career,” said Arthur Sotloff, Steven’s father. “Together with The Media Line, we will honor Steven by passing his legacy along to the next generation.
Arthur Sotloff
Steven's father

Steven’s work was world-changing. Please help us educate the next generation by supporting this scholarship in conjunction with the 2LivesFoundation.org.

Support the Effort

Your support for the Press and Policy Student Program will underwrite training for 500 select and highly-motivated students from the leading colleges and universities across North America over the next five years.

To sponsor a remote student, $10,000

Inquire about sponsoring an In-Bureau student. Email us at info@themedialine.org

Please earmark my donation for the Sotloff Scholarship.

Contributions (tax deductible 501c3 in the US) may be mailed to:

The Media Line
1325 Avenue of the Americas
28 th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10019

Please Empower our students by clicking Donate.

To contact The Media Line about alumni support, multiple sponsorships or endowments: donate@themedialine.org

Students, wishing to apply to Press and Policy Student Program
Students Testimonials
"I count myself lucky to be afforded this amazing opportunity to learn from a team of veterans reporting in such a complex region".
Jinitzail Hernandez
MSJ Candidate at Medill School of Journalism
"In a day and age where news coming out of the Middle East is all too often simplified or distorted, the standards by which my supervisors (at TML) required me to work stood out immediately."
Asaf Zilberfarb
"A few months in Israel revealed perspectives that are not found in a U.S. classroom and anyone who is seriously considering a career in this field needs this experience."
Nola Z. Valente
University of Houston
"At Media Line you learn how to think, talk, behave and succeed. The Media Line taught me how to be a fighter for the truth."
Dima Abu Maria
Arab Affairs Reporter
Help us deliver the independent journalism the world needs